The lapse of luxury

"It is bitter to have loved and lost than never to laugh it off," Bamuall Subtler

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mode operandi

Beware the dictates of fashionTime: We tell time by dividing it into styles. (More on this later by popular request.)

Keeping time: We’ve chosen to replicate ourselves for the time-being. Or do we stretch ourselves onto the apparatus in the penal colony, then await branding with the word on the street?

Vox Populi: Calvin Klein is but one couturier spelunking the archive of modern humanity. Good sports wear. Bad sports bare.

No style: To be strictly objective and devoid of the affectations of style in terms of word-choice, ideas, political or social trends.

12 Observances:

  1. I will wear no more boring clothing.

  2. I will be true to myself, moment by moment.

  3. My words, thoughts, deeds and appearance will be in perfect alignment and never be the cause for gossip or embarrassment.

  4. I will be new.

  5. I will not be modern.

  6. Anything can be said in the Lingo Franca.

  7. Anyone can be anything in the Pax Kapital.

  8. I will be one with the Street and will try my best to find the right street.

  9. Some things you’ll always get used to.

  10. Every time I’m used I will be paid.

  11. Make way for intimacy.

  12. Recognise that to be seen is to be judged: Judge others, lest I be invisible.

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