The lapse of luxury

"It is bitter to have loved and lost than never to laugh it off," Bamuall Subtler

Friday, February 29, 2008

Simplicity is unbearable

My life feels artificial because I imagine that my ancient ancestors once described their hunting and gathering and the weather around a campfire at the end of the day. But me? What do I have to discuss? I filed sheets of paper by account department and as a receptionist forwarded strangers to people I barely know. The rest of my day included watching Stargate reruns and The Day of the Jackal.

How many of my experiences relate to me? In the "information age" we don't experience, we gather information. However, I also doubt my intuition about the relevance of my forebears' experiences. How much time did they think and talk about spirits, gods, black magic and other things they didn't directly experience.

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